--Task 4.1 SELECT 17 - COUNT(DISTINCT PortfolioPositionsId) AS NrOfPositionsNotActive FROM PortfolioAmounts; -- Answer: 1 of the portfolio position ID is not active --Task 4.2 Answer 85 SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT customerid) FROM PortfolioAmounts; --Task 4.3 Ans: 46 SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT customerid) FROM PortfolioAmounts WHERE portfoliopositionsid = 15; --Task 4.4 Ans: Mellow --What is the first result in this new column 'Managers'? -- did you notice a small inconsistence here? SELECT AccountManagerID, CustomerAge, CASE WHEN accountmanagerid = 2 THEN "Mellow" ELSE 'OTHER' END AS Managers FROM Customers ORDER BY customerage ASC;