SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Customers WHERE countryresidence = 'United Kingdom' AND strftime('%Y', customersince) = '2019' ORDER BY customersince ASC; ---- SELECT customerid, CustomerSince, countryresidence, strftime('%Y', customersince) AS YearSince FROM Customers WHERE countryresidence = 'United Kingdom' AND YearSince = '2019' ORDER BY customersince ASC; --- SELECT customerid, CustomerSince, julianday(CustomerSince) AS JDaysCustomer, julianday('now') AS jDaysCurrent, ROUND(julianday('now') - julianday(CustomerSince),0)AS NrOfDaysRegistered, strftime('%J','now')- strftime('%J', customersince) AS DaysExist2 FROM Customers ORDER BY customersince DESC; ----- SELECT CustomerSince FROM Customers ORDER BY customersince ASC