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Academic Essay: Peer-Editing

Academic Essay: Peer-Editing

par Георги Няголов,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Dear all, thank you for submitting your essays. They are now randomly allocated for peer-review. If you have submitted and essay, but you haven received another student's essay to review, please write to me timely at georgeniagolov@gmail.com

Peer editors will review the essay allocated to them on the basis of five criteria in line with the Academic Essay Guidelines (https://elearn.uni-sofia.bg/pluginfile.php/81561/mod_resource/content/3/ACADEMIC%20ESSAY%20-%20Guidelines%202014-15.pdf): a) relevance to the topic (Is the topic well understood? Do all paragraphs address the topic?); b) support and development of ideas (Is the information contained in the essay well-researched? Has the author used convincing and sufficient sources?); c) organisation and logical structure (Are the paragraphs well-organised, e.g. topic sentence, supporting information, concluding sentence? Are the paragraphs organised in a clear logical structure? (refer to the handout on paragraph structure: https://elearn.uni-sofia.bg/pluginfile.php/112965/mod_resource/content/1/Writing_paragraphs.pdf) Is the whole text cohesive and coherent? Are the introduction and the conclusion written in accordance with academic standards?); d) academic style (adherence to the MLA Formatting and Style Guide: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/); e) adequacy and accuracy of the language. Peer editors will correct / suggest improvements to the text.

Of course, it goes without saying that another important duty of the peer-editor is to check whether the essay acknowledges appropriately all its sources and identifies accurately any citations and quotations.

IMPORTANT: All changes and additions to the paper must be tracked:

MS Office http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/word-help/track-changes-HA102840151.aspx?CTT=1,

OpenOffice: https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/OOoAuthors_User_Manual/Writer_Guide/Tracking_changes_to_a_document

Peer edited essays must be uploaded here: https://elearn.uni-sofia.bg/mod/assign/view.php?id=69266 by 21 December 2014.