Referring to the law

Referring to the law

Referring to the law

por Гергана Демирова -
Número de respostas: 0

Under Chapter 2, Section 2, Article 33, Paragraph 2, SJC members shall be notified of the date and agenda for the session three days in advance, with written material for the session being provided to them. ;

As prescribed by Article 33, Paragraph 3, Additions to the agenda notified in advance can be made on the session day upon resolution of the SJC. ;

In conformity with Article 33, Paragraph 4, SJC sessions shall be public except where documents classified pursuant to the Classified Information Protection Act or proposals for the imposition of disciplinary sanctions are discussed. ;

By virtue of Article 33, Paragraph 5, Resolutions adopted in a closed session shall be announced publicly.