Types of crimes

Types of crimes according to the Bulgarian Penal Code

Types of crimes according to the Bulgarian Penal Code

von Ивелина Ганчева-Йоцова -
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Under the Bulgarian Penal Code, crimes are categorised in 14 major groups outlined in the Special Part of the Bulgarian Penal Code. The latter are as follows:

1. Crimes against the Republic (e.g. treason, betrayal and spying, diversion and sabotage)

2. Crimes against the Person (e.g. murder, bodily Injury, exposure to danger, kidnapping and unlawful deprivation of liberty, coercion, betrayal of secrets of another person, insult and slander)

3. Crimes against the Rights of the Citizens (e.g. crimes against national, racial, political, or labour rights, as well as violation of the inviolability of a dwelling, premises, transport vehicle, or correspondence and intellectual property)

4. Crimes against Marriage, the Family and Youth

5. Crimes against Property (e.g. theft, robbery, embezzlements)

6. Crimes against the Economy

7. Crimes against the Financial, Tax, and Insurance Systems

8. Crimes against Activities of State Bodies and Public Organisations and Persons Performing Public Functions

9. Crimes Related to Documents

10. Crimes against the Public Order and Peace

11. Generally Dangerous Crimes (e.g. crimes committed in generally dangerous manner
 or by generally dangerous means)

12. Crimes against the Defensive Capacity of the Republic, against the Information Qualifying as a State Secret, and against Foreign Classified Information

13. Military Crimes

14. Crimes against Peace and Humanity

The sentences for the above-mentioned groups of crimes are based on the severity of the crime as well as on additional circumstances and vary from life imprisonment (with or without substitution) through deprivation of liberty for a particular number of years, probation and corrective labour, to confiscation of property, fines, deprivation of certain rights, or public censure.