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Forums d’apprentissage
Section | Forum | Description | Discussions |
Topic 1 | Types of Laws: National Legislation Discussion Board | Matching English and Bulgarian terms in the area of national legislation is not easy. This forum is designed to give you the opportunity to ask questions and share your thoughts about this task. |
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Positive vs. Natural Law | Read the following text and discuss the questions below using the forum option: 1. What are the basic differences between positive and natural law theories? 2. What, according to natural law theorists, should be done to prevent law from defending unjust interests? 3. What do you think is the most ... |
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The Law of Equity | Common law jurisdictions have a system of law, which runs parallel to that of statutory law and recorded judicial decisions, and seeks to ensure just and impartial treatment of any claim through a particular set of remedies and associated procedures based on universal principles of what is right... |
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Torts Illustrated Study Questions | Look at the pictures above, describe what you see and identify the illustrated torts. What are their Bulgarian counterparts. Exchange ideas using the forum option below. |
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Topic 2 | Comparing the Republic of Bulgaria with the United Kingdom | The Republic of Bulgaria Bulgaria is a republic with a parliamentary form of government. As of 1 January 2007 the Republic of Bulgaria participates in the construction and development of the European Union. It is a state governed by the rule of law. The Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria is... |
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Comparing the US form of government to that of Bulgaria | The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of 50 states, one federal district and 14 territories. The supreme law of the USA – the United States Constitution was ratified and adopted in 1787 and is one of the oldest written democratic national constitutions. It ... |
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The European Union | Read the text and answer the following questions: a. How is the European Union similar to a state? b. How is it different? The European Union is a sui generis supranational intergovernmental political association. It is governed by a number of institutions, the principal ones being: the Commission ... |
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The European Constitution | The European Constitution The body of fundamental European Union law that has accumulated so far in separate Treaties was consolidated, coordinated and codified into the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe (TCE), commonly referred to as the European Constitution. However, it remained ... |
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Topic 3 | Parallel Texts | Read the introduction and discuss the corresponding terms in the forum below Съдебната власт в Република България е съставена от съда, прокуратурата и следствените служби. Съгласно Закона засъдебната власт, Висшият съдебен съвет(ВСС), e постоянно действащ орган, койтопредставлява съдебната власт и... |
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Referring to the law | Use the English phrases below to make reference to certain provisions of the Judicial System Act 2007 regarding the Supreme Judicial Council. Example: Under Chapter 2, Section 2, Article 33, Paragraph 1, Item 1, SJC sessions shall be convoked by the acting chair at least once every week. глава, ... |
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Topic 4 | Parallel Texts | Read the texts and discuss the corresponding terms in the forum below Наказателното право е съвкупност от правни норми, които определят кои деяния са престъпления и какви наказания при какви обстоятелства следва да бъдат наложени на извършителите. Основен източник на наказателно право в България е... |
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Types of crimes | Crimes are often grouped by severity. Look at the following common law categorical terms and discuss the corresponding categorisation in your jurisdiction. In the UK indictable offences are serious offences tried on an indictment, i.e. a formal accusation, usually by a judge and a jury (e.g. ... |
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Types of crimes: forum | Questions and answers about the Bulgarian or English terms for crimes you are interested in |
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Inquisitorial vs. adversarial system of justice | Read the text and discuss the situation in Bulgaria in English. Most civil law jurisdictions use the inquisitorial system of adjudication in which the court undertakesan active investigation of the claims in order to determine the facts of the case. In such an investigationthe prosecution is a ... |
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Word combinations | The following verbs: examine, question, collect, present, consider, produce, discredit can be meaningfully combined with these nouns: evidence, witness(es) Use them in sentences of your own. |
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International criminal law | Read and translate into Bulgarian. International criminal law is a branch of international law which deals with international crimes andthe courts and tribunals set up to adjudicate cases in which persons have incurred international criminalresponsibility. Its sources can be traced to the general ... |
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The International Criminal Court | Read the text and tell us briefly about an interesting case handled by the ICC. The International Criminal Court (ICC), established in 2002 as a permanent tribunal, has been called the missing link in the international legal system. The International Court of Justice atThe Hague handles only cases... |
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Topic 5 | Parallel texts | Read and discuss the correspondences between the following texts. Граждаското право е съвкупност от правни норми, които уреждат положението на гражданскоправните субекти и равнопоставените отношения между тях. Системата на гражданското право съдържа следните правни институти: Вещно право, ... |
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Word combinations 1 | The following adjectives: civil, fundamental, human, inalienable, equal form meaningful combinations with the word: right(s) Write sentences to illustrate the meaning of each combination. |
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Word combinations 2 | The following verbs: enjoy, claim, exercise, enforce, amend form meaningful combinations with the word: right(s) Write sentences to illustrate the meaning of each combination. |
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Rights | Watch the following videos: civil rights movement: occupy wall street: the current Sofia protests: http://www.euronews.... |
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Word combinaitons | The following verbs: file, submit, lodge, bring, make, issue, withdraw, dismiss, win, settle, deny, challenge, dispute, reject, defend |
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Topic 6 | Parallel texts | Read and discuss the correspondences between the following texts. Търговското право е отрасъл на частното право, който урежда отношенията между физически и юридически лица, пораждащи се от оборота на стоки и капитали. Основният източник на търговско право в България е Търговския закон. Той ... |
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Taxation | Think of the Bulgarian equivalents to the terms concerning taxation in the text and below. US corporations The US distinction between S corporation and C corporation is not based on a public vs. private opposition but on how both forms of incorporation are taxed. The C corporation (taxed under ... |
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Setting up a company | Compare the general mechanisms of setting up a company in the UK and USA with those in Bulgaria. Companies in the UK and the USA The limited liability company (LLC) in the UK can be private or public, the major difference being that the shares of the latter can be traded publicly (i.e. listed in a... |
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Classes of shares | Read the excerpts of the Articles of Association of an operating UK company. What types ofshares are mentioned? What rights do these types of shares convey to their owners? What typesof shares are there under Bulgarian law? Classes of shares 3 Form of the Company’s share capitalThe Company... |
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Liquidation | Read the texts and discuss the corresponding terms Bulgarian law makes a clear-cut distinction between “ликвидация” and “обявяване внесъстоятелност”: а) Доброволното прекратяване на търговско дружество се следвазадължително от ликвидация, целяща събиране на вземанията наликвидираното дружество, пог... |
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Bankruptcy | Read the text and compare with the situation in Bulgaria. The use of the term “bankruptcy” is somewhat twofold both in the UK and US. The fundamental conceptof bankruptcy is that it is a way of “dealing with debts that one cannot pay”. Therefore, bankruptcyproceedings are seen as an opportunity ... |
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Topic 7 | Parallel Texts | Read the texts and discuss the corresponding terms. Нищожни са договорите, които противоречат на закона. Унищожаеми са онези сключени от недееспособни, или при грешка, измама (умишлено въвеждане в заблуждение), заплашване и крайна нужда. The validity of a contract can be contested on a number of ... |
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Breach of contract | Read the texts and discuss the corresponding terms. При неизпълнение по вина на длъжника, кредиторът има право да използва средства за правна защита, чрез които да бъде обезщетен за съответното неизпълнение. Обезщетението обхваща претърпяната загуба и пропуснатата полза, доколкото те са пряка и ... |
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Earnest payment | Read the parallel texts and discuss the corresponding terms. Задатъкът служи за доказателство, че е сключен договорът и обезпечава неговото изпълнение. Ако страната, която е дала задатъка, не изпълни задължението си, другата страна може да се откаже от договора и да задържи задатъка. Ако ... |
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Word combinations | Make combinations of the following adjectives: binding, non-binding, enforceable, non-enforceable, void, voidable, valid, invalid, null and the noun "contract." Write sentences in which you illustrate the meaning of each combination. |
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Elements of a contract | Read the following text and discuss the situation in Bulgaria. In common law jurisdictions, there are four essential elements to the formation of a contract: offer, acceptance, consideration, and intention. The offer made by one party and its acceptance by the other party expresses the two parties... |
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Types of contracts | Read and discuss the terminological correspondences. В българската облигационно правна теория договорите най-често се разделят на: едностранни и двустранни, организационни и престационни, главни и акцесорни, възмездни и безвъзмездни, каузални и абстрактни, консенсуални и реални, формални и ... |
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International Contracts between Common Law and Civil Law | Read the text in the previous exercise and answer the following questions in writing: a. What are the frictions underlying the use of Common Law contract drafting methods in Civil Law jurisdiction? b. How does this relate to the situation in your jurisdiction? c. What are the possible solutions? |
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