Държавата е политическа общност, която притежава вътрешен и външен суверенитет, заема определена територия, и се ръководи от организирана държавна власт, която се разделя на законодателна, изпълнителна и съдебна и се осъществява чрез система от държавни органи въз основа на вътрешното и външното законодателство.

A state is a political association which has internal and external sovereignty, occupies a definite territory, and is regulated by an organised system of political power, exercised by the government agencies and governmental institutions in compliance with national and international legislation.

The words “country,” “nation,” and “state” are often used indiscriminately, but for the sake of accuracy it should be remembered that: a) “country” denotes a geographical area; b) “nation” means a people who are deemed to share common customs, origins, and history; and c) “state” refers to the system of political power that has sovereignty over a definite territory.

In the 17th century Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu, advanced the principle of separation of powers, according to which the only way to ensure freedom and to protect the citizens from the abuse of power is to separate and balance the legislative, executive and judicial powers of the state.
Modifié le: vendredi 7 décembre 2012, 11:57