I, the undersigned

.........................................................................................................., Faculty No ....................

hereby agree to the following rules and regulations

The course shall introduce students to the specialized English language used in a variety of professional fields related to the law (aka Legalese). The students shall work on the following seven topics: the concept of law, the state, the judicial system, criminal law, civil law, commercial law, and contract law. Each topic shall be covered in two weeks (Week A and Week B). During Week A students shall learn and practice specialized language; during Week B they shall apply their knowledge in a variety of educational games, such as disputes and simulations. During the week PRECEDING the first class, i.e. Week A, students shall complete all mandatory tasks in the Moodle course: for the respective topic (all tasks are mandatory unless tagged "optional") as well as the quiz in the end of each section. It is students' responsibility to know which topic they should work at. No student who has failed to complete the tasks and the quiz on time, i.e. before the respective Week A class, shall be allowed to attend the two classes dedicated to this particular topic. During the first class students and teacher shall check and discuss students’ work on the tasks and quiz. Quizzes shall be marked. In the end of this class students shall receive instructions for a game that will take place within the following class dedicated to the respective topic (Week B).

The course relies heavily on class participation and coming well prepared to classes, so students' work shall be assessed based on their continuous work. Each student shall receive a mark for each quiz during each respective Week A class. The total average of 7 Quiz marks will give the final grade for the course. Failure to complete a quiz on time, i.e. before the respective Week A class, shall lead to a 0 (zero) mark. Excellent participation in Week B classes may, subject to teacher's discretion, may lead to a compensatory mark which shall be then added to the student's overall score. Each student shall be entitled to monitor his or her performance in the course




Modifié le: samedi 4 octobre 2014, 19:54