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Προβολή σελίδας έκδοσης #1
(Επαναφορά αυτής της έκδοσης) 

Τροποποιήθηκε: 18 Νοεμβρίου 2014, 6:36 PM   Χρήστης: Теодора Атанасова  → ТА

breach of duty >a. an infringement of another person's rights, rendering the offender liable to a civil action;

public worng >b. a violation of public rights and duties,affecting the community as a whole;

omission>c. failure to act;

necessitate>d. make something necessary;

injurious>e. causing damage or harm;

conduct>f. behaviour;

conspiracy>g. a secret plan or agreement to carry outan illegal or harmful act;


incitement>l. persuasion;

blackmail>j. an attempt to obtain money or influencesomeone’s actions by intimidation,as by threats to disclose discreditableinformation;

circumstances>k. conditions of time, place, etc., thataccompany or influence an event or act;

gross>m. substantial, massive;

foresight>n. capacity to predict future events;

occurrence>o. happening, taking place;

consequences>p. results or effects of a previouslyoccurring event or act;