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Показване версия № 1 на страницата
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Час и дата на промяната: 2 декември 2014, 20:16   Потребител: Martina Pasquale  → MP

An application is initially considered by a committee of three judges and may bedeclared inadmissible immediately and without a further reading;

This chamber, if it finds the application admissible, will proceed to examine themerits of the case and will seek to achieve a friendly settlement;

In the absence of such a settlement, the chamber will issue a judgment. This judgmentwill be final unless important issues arise within three months;

If, however, the application prima facie seems admissible it will be passed to a chamberof seven judges;

In such an event, the judgment will be referred to a Grand Chamber of seventeenjudges. Their judgment is final and may not be appealed;

If an alleged violation is upheld by the Court, the responsibility lies with the defendantstate to take the appropriate action to make good the identified deficiency. Astate at fault may be required to pay compensation.