The aim of the course is to give better understanding of the way in which some of the classical texts of American literature have found their way into the most popular of the arts, the cinema.  Comparing the old and the new film versions of some of these literary works and analyzing the recent revival of the film industry’s interest towards some of them, the students will gain better insight in the mechanisms and the discourses governing the contemporary popular culture in the USA.

The topics to be discussed include the basics of film aesthetics and film theory as well as different models of adapting novels such as transference, commentary and analogy. The films to be analyzed include some of the film adaptations of Henry James’s novella Daisy Miller, novel Washington Square,and short story “The Altar of the Dead .

As a final paper the students will have to write a critical analysis of one of the film adaptations of either a classical American novel, or a postmodern American bestseller.

The course Literature in the Digital Age aims at examining the interrelation between literature and the new digital technologies. The focus is on the revolutionary transition of fiction from page to screen in this “late age of print.” Among the themes to be discussed are the problems of literacy; authorship; the various modes of electronic literature (hypertext, cybertext, multi-media, computer-generated text); the pedagogical applications of computer games and software products; the writing and reception of electronic literature; the various methodological approaches to analyzing electronic literature; issues of interactivity and immersion in reader-reception. The authors discussed are postmodern writers, predecessors of e-literature, cyberpunk writers, and others. Students are required to prepare a term paper or to produce their own piece of digital artefact.

OutlineThe objective of the course is to give the students an in-depth knowledge of the vastly growing field of intercultural communication and help them become competent in dealing with various issues that may arise in the interaction between people of different cultures. The theoretical premises of studying and understanding cultures will be used to offer students ways of coping with the challenge of working and doing research within foreign cultural environments. 

Предлаганият курс има за цел да въведе магистрантите в цялостта, фактуална и езикова, на отразяването на актуални събития, както и дейността на големи международни организации, като си поставя две еднакво важни цели: (1) да предложи алгоритъм за анализ и дешифриране на журналистическия и политически език в отразяването на най-актуалните международни и вътрешни въпроси и събития на базата на автентични текстове от медии, политически архиви, преки впечатления и разкази на участвали в събитията журналисти и политици; (2) да предостави възможност на студентите да придобият умения за прилагане на стратегии и техники за превод на политически и медийни текстове както от български на английски, така и от английски на български език.

The course looks at political and media texts from an international perspective. By discussing the various aspects of covering current issues and events, and the role and functions of big international organisations, the course has two equally important aims: (1) to familiarize students with an algorithm for analyzing and deciphering the language of news media on the basis of working with authentic political and media texts; (2) to equip them with skills to employ suitable translation techniques in rendering political and media texts from English into Bulgarian and vice versa.  

Preliminary requirements: solid knowledge of the basics of linguistic theory.

Students’ duties: to read regularly the pre-assigned texts and  participate actively in fonline discussions.

The basic aim of the course is to introduce students to on-going debates on the major issues in the study of language origin and evolution.  

Central to this course is the question of the way in which ethnicity has been 'invented' and 're-invented' in American fictional and auto/biographical writings throughout the twentieth century. As American society moves into an era of increasing ethnic diversity, the issues of ethnic boundaries and identities become more complex and problematic. This course seeks to examine how fictional and non-fictional writings help the making of new ethnic identities, how the old ones have been maintained, re-produced and transformed as well as what American identity is nowadays.

The analysis of the works discussed will rely on some of the contemporary theories of ethnicity and literature and will discuss a wide variety of 20th-century American writers coming from different narrative and cultural traditions. A particular focus will be placed on the relationship 'self' - 'other', on the cultural stereotypes involved in the process as well as on the role of language as part of the identity formation processes in the USA.

Students are expected to read and actively discuss the texts. All reports, projects and final papers must be submitted on the stated due dates unless prior arrangements have been made. A late paper, as well as a paper that contains excessive errors or plagiarism, will either lead to a lowering of the final grade or to a refusal to accept the paper. Plagiarism will result in a failing grade on a paper and a possible failure in the course.

Курсът предлага основни познания, практически умения и мотивационни нагласи за създаване на проекти и за тяхното управление. Като започва с идентифициране на областите на работа, курсът насочва вниманието към логиката на отпускане на средства от донорите и към тайните на набирането на средства, след което предлага задълбочено изследване на стандартите и принципите на работата по проекти-развитие на проектната идея, стратегия и тактика по спечелването на проекта. Курсът изгражда капацитет за управление на проекти от самото начало до успешното им завършване, като запознава студентите със съставянето на план за действие, връзки с партньори, донори и т.н. идентификация на рисковете и на индикаторите за успех, както и на дейностите след приключване на проекта и за постигането на максимум ефект от работата по него.

The course offers basic knowledge, practical skills and motivational attitudes for project creation and management. Starting with the identification of areas of work, the course focuses on the logic of donor funding and the secrets of fundraising, and then offers an in-depth study of the standards and principles of project work-development of the project idea, strategy and tactics. on winning the project. The course builds project management capacity from the very beginning to the successful completion, introducing students to the development of an action plan, relationships with partners, donors, etc. identification of the risks and the indicators for success, as well as the activities after the completion of the project and for the achievement of the maximum effect of the work on it.