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Проф. Милена Братоева (Софийски университет)
Дхарма отвъд Азия: изучаването на будизма в ЕвропаDr. Milena Bratoeva is a Professor of Ancient Indian literature and culture at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. She published widely on Vedic culture, Classical Sanskrit literature and Buddhist Sanskrit narrative tradition. Her recent publication on Indian culture includes Upaniṣads. Translation from Sanskrit into Bulgarian (with Gergana Ruseva, “East-West” Publishing House, 2018), “Oral Performance of Sanskrit Mantras in the West: A Pragmatic Approach (based on examining the situation in Bulgaria)” In: Nota Bene (http://notabene-bg.org, 2019), “Did the Buddha Demonize the Desire? Notions of the “Good/Skillful” Desire in Early Buddhism.” In: The Silk Road. Collection of Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Chinese Studies, 2020) “Hinduism in Bulgaria”: A Brief Historical Overview” In: Handbook of Hinduism in Europe (Brill 2020), “Pragmatics of the Dialogue in Praśna upanisad” (In Bulgarian language) In: General and Comparative Rhetoric (Sofia University Publishing House, 2020.
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