Настройки на записването

This course is part of the 'English Language' component of the Bachelor’s degree programme in the Department of English and American Studies. The primary objective of this course is to ensure that students acquire the language skills that correlate with level C2 of the CEFR, or CPE[1].

[1] Note: This is NOT, however, a training course for the CPE, and neither does it provide students with Cambridge certificates after successfully passing the end-of-year exam.



  • to further develop students' listening skills so that by the end of the academic year they can listen to and understand accurately various types of spoken English, including that of speakers who may have non-standard accents or whose speed of delivery matches a particular context.
  • to further develop students' reading skills so that by the end of the course they are able to comprehend and appreciate a wide range of text types, and understand stylistic features such as cohesion, implied meaning, figures of speech and irony.
  • to increase the fluency and accuracy of students' speaking skills and help them improve their speech. Interactive communication and knowledge of appropriate vocabulary as well as understanding the rules of socio-cultural appropriateness (when to speak, to whom to speak and how to speak) will also be developed. Students will be encouraged to develop their abilities to speak in formal, academic and professional settings.

•    to further develop students' ability to write clear, relevant, appropriate and accurate English. The accuracy and appropriacy of their language cover grammar, spelling, punctuation, style and register. It is important that students learn to organise and express their ideas coherently and master the appropriate rhetorical patterns to apply to narration, description and argumentation. 

Самозаписване (Student)
Самозаписване (Student)