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Дискусията Free Market or State Control: A Battle of Ideas in the Midst of Crisis

Дискусията Free Market or State Control: A Battle of Ideas in the Midst of Crisis

от Администратор Стопански факултет -
Number of replies: 1

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Free Market or State Control:

A Battle of Ideas in the Midst of Crisis

която ще се проведе на 14 май (четвъртък) от 10:15 ч. в зала 400

с д-р Алекс Токарев и неговите студенти от The King ’ s College , NYC


  • Кратък филм : The Battle of Ideas (Keynes and Hayek)
  • Дискусия между студентите
  • Лекция от д-р Токарев
  • Кратък филм : John Stossel's Tools for teaching Macroeconomics (Freedom and Prosperity, Hong Kong)
  • Въпроси и отговори
  • Кратък филм : The Power of Choice (Milton Friedman)

( планирана продължителност: 90 мин)

Молим ви да заявите Вашето присъствие, а при желание – и участие под някаква съвместима форма, на електронен адрес mariaiv @ feb . uni - sofia . bg

По-долу можете да се запознаете с част от лекцията на д-р Токарев (atokarev@tkc.edu)

I grew up in Bulgaria under communism and continue to track what has happened to big organizations such as the Bulgarian metallurgical giant Kremikovtsi. Its smoking chimneys once were seen as symbols of ideological triumph. Market conditions have changed and now the only reasonable solution is liquidation. Unfortunately, what makes economic sense does not always bring about political advantages. Special treatment of Bulgaria’s Big Industry keeps draining the economy of juices that are vitally needed in so many other areas. Not only does state sponsorship waste scarce resources, it creates a vicious cycle affecting both body and soul. It breeds corruption, restricts competition, discourages experimentation, diminishes innovation, slows down productivity growth, and results in lower living standards and moral decay. Bureaucratic intrusions aimed at easing the pain from the process of creative destruction has contributed to the slow pace of transformation in post-socialist Bulgaria.

And congressional bailouts in the United States aimed at reducing the suffering from the expected slowdown will only protract the healing process. On more than one occasion during 2008, Washington went against the historic wisdom of its people. The American people accepted from the start the creative destruction of capitalism, suffering the short-run pains to reap the long-run prosperity. Economic freedom in the United States is a key ingredient of a package that has launched the former backward British colony to its current place of global supremacy. Today’s “losers” happen to be well organized in industrial cartels and labor unions. They get connected with party elites and find ways to rig the political system in their favor.

It has to stop. American and Bulgarian leaders would do best to discard the “too big to fail” arguments and let market participants either stand on their own feet or crumble.

п.п. Понеже ще бъде битка на идеите, за хапването ще се разберем накрая;о)

In reply to Администратор Стопански факултет

Re: Дискусията Free Market or State Control: A Battle of Ideas in the Midst of Crisis

от Администратор Стопански факултет -

Към дискусията ще се присъедини и х. ас. Любен Иванов с представяне на проблема “Too big to fail ” по J. K. Galbraith.