Parallel Texts
Read the texts and discuss the corresponding terms.
Нищожни са договорите, които противоречат на закона. Унищожаеми са онези сключени от недееспособни, или при грешка, измама (умишлено въвеждане в заблуждение), заплашване и крайна нужда.
The validity of a contract can be contested on a number of grounds. Illegality of the subject matter automatically renders a contract void. Lack of (legal) capacity, fraud in the inducement, and duress render a contract voidable, and can be used by a party to escape its obligations under the contract.
Нищожни са договорите, които противоречат на закона. Унищожаеми са онези сключени от недееспособни, или при грешка, измама (умишлено въвеждане в заблуждение), заплашване и крайна нужда.
The validity of a contract can be contested on a number of grounds. Illegality of the subject matter automatically renders a contract void. Lack of (legal) capacity, fraud in the inducement, and duress render a contract voidable, and can be used by a party to escape its obligations under the contract.
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