• IMAGE UPLOAD: Please extract the list of customers who have positions on IPO stock with the following information showing the highest positions on the top of the report:

    • CustomerID, Amount Position, Position type, portfolio position, stocktype

  • print screen of the query and the report obtained

  • Please format the query using the best practices
  •  <fac_num>_name_join10.jpg (please remember to change the task name)

  •  > Question 1: what is the total amount invested in IPO stocks?

    > Question 2: How many customers have Cash Remaining in balance from all customers?

  • Please submit both answers and the printscreen together at once.
  • https://forms.gle/BpCr8tBhX6Xx7Bow6

Last modified: Sunday, 27 March 2022, 12:07 PM